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Mind Reading
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Content Of The Mental Stream
We have seen that our mental life may be likened to a stream flowing now faster, now slower, ever shifting, never ceasing. We have yet to inquire what constitutes the material of the stream, or what is the stuff that makes up the current of our thou...
Cultivation Of The Emotions
There is no other mental factor which has more to do with the enjoyment we get out of life than our feelings and emotions. THE EMOTIONS AND ENJOYMENT.--Few of us would care to live at all, if all feeling were eliminated from human experience. True...
Development Of Nervous System Through Use
IMPORTANCE OF STIMULUS AND RESPONSE.--Like all other tissues of the body, the nerve cells and fibers are developed by judicious use. The sensory and association centers require the constant stimulus of nerve currents running in from the various end-...
Different Types Of Thinking
The term think, or thinking, is employed in so many different senses that it will be well first of all to come to an understanding as to its various uses. Four different types of thinking which we shall note are:[5] (1) chance, or idle, thinking; (2...
Direct And Indirect Interest
We may have an interest either (1) in the doing of an act, or (2) in the end sought through the doing. In the first instance we call the interest immediate or direct; in the second instance, mediate or indirect. INTEREST IN THE END VERSUS INTERES...
Education And The Training Of The Nervous System
Fortunately, many of the best opportunities for sensory and motor training do not depend on schools or courses of study. The world is full of stimuli to our senses and to our social natures; and our common lives are made up of the responses we make ...
Educational Use Of Expression
The educational significance of the truths illustrated in the diagram and the discussion has been somewhat slow in taking hold in our schools. This has been due not alone to the slowness of the educational world to grasp a new idea, but also to the ...
Emotions As Motives
Emotion is always dynamic, and our feelings constitute our strongest motives to action and achievement. HOW OUR EMOTIONS COMPEL US.--Love has often done in the reformation of a fallen life what strength of will was not able to accomplish; it has ...
Factors Determining The Efficiency Of The Nervous System
DEVELOPMENT AND NUTRITION.--Ignoring the native differences in nervous systems through the influence of heredity, the efficiency of a nervous system is largely dependent on two factors: (1) The development of the cells and fibers of which it is comp...
Probably in no instinct more than in that of fear can we find the reflections of all the past ages of life in the world with its manifold changes, its dangers, its tragedies, its sufferings, and its deaths. FEAR HEREDITY.--The fears of childhood a...
Forms Of Sensory Stimuli
Let us next inquire how this mechanism of the nervous system is acted upon in such a way as to give us sensations. In order to understand this, we must first know that all forms of matter are composed of minute atoms which are in constant motion, an...
Freedom Of The Will Or The Extent Of Its Control
We have seen in this discussion that will is a mode of control--control of our thoughts and, through our thoughts, of our actions. Will may be looked upon, then, as the culmination of the mental life, the highest form of directive agent within us. B...
Gross Structure Of The Nervous System
DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.--The nervous system may be considered in two divisions: (1) The central system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and (2) the peripheral system, which comprises the sensory and motor neurones connecting th...
Habit-forming A Part Of Education
It follows from the importance of habit in our lives that no small part of education should be concerned with the development of serviceable habits. Says James, Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits, th...
How Mind Is To Be Known
THE PERSONAL CHARACTER OF CONSCIOUSNESS.--Mind can be observed and known. But each one can know directly only his own mind, and not another's. You and I may look into each other's face and there guess the meaning that lies back of the smile or frown...
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Gross Structure Of The Nervous System
Types Of Imagination
The Tyranny Of Habit
Different Types Of Thinking
The Instinct Of Imitation
Cultivation Of The Emotions
Problems In Observation And Introspection
Least Viewed
The Material Used By Imagination
The Function Of Images
The Producing And Expressing Of Emotion
The Place Of Habit In The Economy Of Our Lives
The Nature Of Perception
The Extent Of Voluntary Control Over Our Acts
The Nature Of Feeling
Problems For Introspection And Observation