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Says a recent French writer: Dr. Bremand, a naval doctor, has obtained

in men supposed to be perfectly healthy a new condition, which he calls

fascination. The inventor considers that this is hypnotism in its

mildest form, which, after repeated experiments, might become catalepsy.

The subject fascinated by Dr. Bremaud--fascination being induced by the

contemplation of a bright spot--falls into a state of stupor. He follows
/> the operator and servilely imitates his movements, gestures and words;

he obeys suggestions, and a stimulation of the nerves induces

contraction, but the cataleptic pliability does not exist.

A noted public hypnotizer in Paris some years ago produced fascination

in the following manner: He would cause the subject to lean on his

hands, thus fatiguing the muscles. The excitement produced by the

concentrated gaze of a large audience also assisted in weakening the

nervous resistance. At last the operator would suddenly call out: Look

at me! The subject would look up and gaze steadily into the operator's

eyes, who would stare steadily back with round, glaring eyes, and in

most cases subdue his victim.

